Tribe Tiers.png

“It takes a village to raise a child.”

Known as an African proverb, and also the title of Hillary Clinton’s 1996 book. (Let me know if you find a 1996 edition.)

I apply the spirit of this proverb to the the following list of people. Everyone listed has made a significant impact on my life, career and art.* Their contributions are measured in time & resources, such as:

  • Technical support

  • Professional consultation and artistic instruction

  • Financial investment

And then there is the spiritual pouring into my soul that is unmistakable and undeniable. I am grateful, and this is but one token of my appreciation. You can learn more and join my village below:

Kosciusko Street.png

The Koscuiszko tier’s contribution cannot be quantified. Gratitude is immeasurable.

Mother Hattie & Sylvester G.
Earl & Darryl A.
Mika S.

Myrtle Avenue.png

The Myrtle tier has made contributions to that amount up to $1000 USD. They saw my vision before I saw it, believed in my potential before I recognized it, invested in my art before it ever existed.

Michael & Terri T.
Seed Popular
Candice P.C. & Bo Costello C.
Mathew D.
David L.
Brandon A.
Jordan B. M.
Aaron H.
Michael H.
Kid Fury
Jade M.
Robbie Digital
Randy B.
Pablo G.
Kumasi Barnett
Moon Frankenstein
Marvin H.
Tabia M.

Flushing Avenue.png

The Flushing tier has made contributions that amount up to $500 USD. They have helped me take my work and my art to another level.

John C.
Dominek T.
J. Mena
Leslie O.
Steven T.

Lorimer Street.png

The Lorimer tier has made contributions that amount up to $100 USD. They have made a valuable impact on my brand and business.

Kevin C.
Robert G.

Hewes Street.png

The Hewes tier has made contributions that amount up to $50 USD. Their support drives me to succeed in my own way.

Alice L.
Kenisha M.

Marcy Avenue.png

The Marcy tier has made contributions that amount up to $25 USD. This support is not truly defined by monetary value however, because it is priceless and timeless.

Zaza F. 
Dilcia W.
Angus W.

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“Let’s build.”

I am building worlds. I am exploring all the ideas, concepts, dreams and fantasies that I have created in my mind and heart. It’s a daunting task, but one I am so excited to fulfill.

It’s also an expensive task, and this is one that I have also handled. I continue to make the investment in my craft, and I am hoping you would also make one. Join my village and enjoy access to my work as it is developed, created, refined and launched. More defined ways to express my appreciation for your support will be released in time.

Thank you for your support!

Josh Talton-Terry


*This list does not take into consideration any members of my family and extended church family. There’s just too many of y’all, and I refuse to be the subject of any group chat, Facebook or WhatsApp gossip. I love y’all to life everlasting though.